Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Days in the life of Tabi's desk
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Good news
Bernard Matthews is dead. May he spend eternity in darkness, crammed in with 5000 other hellites, sitting in his own shit, hanging upside down, having his innards being pulled out and roasted on a rotisserie
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Badger 'culling'
Consultations close in December (8th in England & 17th in Wales) – Act Now!
Please take this opportunity to tell the governments both in England and Wales exactly what you think about their plans to slaughter badgers. To make things easier for you, we have written pre-prepared emails for you to copy and paste – although please do try to personalise (but keep to the question format to help ensure that your comments are recorded!). However, the most important thing is that you object.
Please note: both consultations close in Dec (England on 8 Dec and Wales on 17 Dec). It is vital that you contact them before then. It is most important that you send one to the country where you live – but you can also send both no matter where you live.
Template reply
“I am writing to lodge my objection against plans to kill badgers in England/Wales (delete where appropriate) as a method of TB control in cattle. I wish for my views to be recorded and submitted for the consultation. Please find my answers below.
Yours faithfully”
[full name and address including country]
How to respond to Defra
tbbc@defra.gsi.gov.ukSunday, 21 November 2010
Monday, 15 November 2010
Cats and dog
A beautiful autumn day. Am trying to get motivated to go out but pain in legs/back and shoulders is a deterrent for the moment. Can't take Treacle as he is ageing and he can't jump into the back of my car anymore - he can only get in hubbie's which I can't drive because it's manual! My computer alarming says it is 15 December - have I slept a whole month?! Would be lovely to be able to hibernate like a bear - I'm fat enough to sleep through winter!
Friday, 12 November 2010
The cleaning of the fireplace

This is done once a year. It is a great ceremony and you often find strange and wondrous objects that I have tried to burn during the year. Hubbie even managed to find three Cadbury's Roses sweets - but they had a strange burned flavour to them. Four bags later and the fire is ready for winter. I'm not though - I'm ready to go to Spain.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
This was worth driving to the doctor for. However not advisable to take photos whilst driving on narrow muddy, leafy and narrow country lanes. Changed painkillers again. Off to Spain on 7 December for a week. Norwich Airport rocks! Going to Costa Blanca (yes you don't have to tell me!) but with a year round average temperature of 19C who cares! I don't. We were going to go to The Netherlands but hubbie said he doesn't want to go to same climate - so will go there in the spring. Christmas supper on 4 December. Bit of a dank and dreary day but there is some blue in the sky.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
A suitable Sunday pose!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
I'm a Great-Aunty again!
Tabi, Tabby, Treacle and Tumbles

Saw my sweet friend Tabi today (yes there are two of us!). She wants to dye my hair pink! Took Treacle to Sheringham Park to test drive my new turquoise crutches. Stoopid thing to do: walk on crutches with mad Springer Spaniel whilst trying to take photos. Tripped over crutches, tripped over Treacle but got some nice sky shots whilst prone on the ground. Beautiful day - glad I went out earlier because now overcast. Going over to Benjamin Court to visit some people and have lunch. It's 5 November soon - bonfires, bangers and baked potatoes - yum! Miss you Jess....more each passing moment.
Monday, 1 November 2010
The two Irish girls
Blogging off for now
First of November...the year is going so quickly....some sad and painful endings but there will be new and happy continuations and beginnings. A beautiful Fall day - our Rowan tree is laden with berries and two robins have appeared in the garden.
Healing thoughts to all those who are unwell or injured - especially to Claire who has first degree burns on her hand.
The boys have worn themselves out trying to open new cat flap (they wrecked the last one!).
Off to meditation class with G & M and seeing the lovely T tomorrow and hopefully hair on Wednesday as am looking like a haystack - I must get some straighteners to see if I can do it myself