As you can see we are all exhausted by this Christmess thing - except for Muddle. I never want to see another decoration again and Treacle has started to eat the presents.
I have heard that some humans give animals as presents for Christmess. We require love and proper care to flourish. Although humans who give animals as gifts invariably have good intentions, it is unfair to give an animal to anyone unless you are absolutely certain that the person wants
that particular animal as a companion and is willing and able to give a lifetime of proper care.
Instead why don't you help an animal charity by adopting an animal on

paper. There are all sorts of animals you can adopt from big cats to little cats, dogs, horses. Just think of your favourite animal and type in 'adopt a ....' and there will be a special charity waiting for you. Here are a couple of suggestions: www.org.uk, www.bornfree.org.uk, www.farmanimalrescue.org.uk. Just to make you understand how terrible it can be for us animals at Christmess here is a little reminder from the RSPCA:
On the first day of Christmas the RSPCA found…
One dead dog – we come across many dead pets at this time of the year.
Two superfluous snakes – exotic animals may seem attractive pets but can be hard to look after.
Three jettisoned Jack Russells - two female dogs and a male were dumped from a truck.
Four small furries – a guinea pig and a rabbit were found in rubbish. Two gerbils were found in a cage behind a disused house with no food or water.
Five injured innocents – many abandoned animals are suffering from injury or illness when they are found, for instance four husky puppies and a white albino lop-eared rabbit left in a cardboard box. One dog had a broken leg and the rabbit was infested.
Six dumped dogs – an elderly cross-breed dog was found in a quarry, a one-year-old Jack Russell found tied to railings, an elderly Yorkshire terrier was thrown into rubbish outside Gt Ormond Street Hospital.
Seven cruelty case survivors – seven Jack Russell puppies neglected and covered with sores.
Eight cute kittens – eight kittens were found outside a block of flats in a box.
Nine gorgeous guinea pigs – including six babies and three sore-ridden adults.
Ten redundant rabbits – what can we say?
Eleven cats in cardboard – amongst the hundreds of unwanted cats were 11 cold and frightened moggies found in cardboard boxes, including one pregnant tortoiseshell.
Twelve roaming rodents – a dozen unwanted rats - the owner started with two and of course the inevitable happens.