I am so excited! This is my birth mum Poppy and she has given birth to five kittens and one of them is going to be my new sister in February. You may think - they look nothing like Siamese and here is the reason why they are white: The pointed pattern is a form of partial albinism, resulting from a mutation in tyrosinase an enzyme involved in melanin production. The mutated enzyme is heat-sensitive; it fails to work at normal body temperature but becomes active in cooler areas of the skin.
This results in dark colouration in the coolest parts of the cat's body, including the extremities and the face, which is cooled by the passage of air through the sinuses. All Siamese kittens although pure cream or white at birth, develop visible points in the first few months of life in colder parts of their body. By the time a kitten is four weeks old the points should be clearly distinguishable enough to recognise which colour they are. Siamese cats tend to darken with age, and generally adult Siamese living in warm climates have lighter coats than those in cool climates. So because we were nice and warm in our mother's
womb we stay white and then start to have this wonderful reaction to temperature.

In the next photo I am standing on the bath ... I fell in once and didn't like the experience. Playing with bubbles is good but don't eat them they taste horrible. Also humans have to put all kinds of smells on themselves so every day I have to remember what TaTa and KeKe smell like. One day it is Shalimar, then it is Angel, then it is Boss, then it is Chanel. Max Factor made a perfume called Sophisti-Cat. It is no longer available... and is considered a vintage collectible. It was produced in the 1950s - whenever that was.