As I promised I am putting some photos of people who I have allowed to come into the house. The first photo is Suzanne - she came with her really big dog (even bigger than Treacle) so I made a my hair stand on end until I was a giant and he went away. Suzanne is lovely - she smells of incense and paint and says she is a pagan and that nature is the most important thing in the world. She has two cats and one has gone missing so I have been purring to The Great Cat to bring him home. The second photo is Mike who smells like trees, wood, sand and has a very furry face. He is a falconer and a writer and I liked him because he was wearing a cashmere sweater the same colour as my eyes. He talked about art. The third photo is Anne (Mike's Queen) - she has painful hips so I sat on her to make her feel better. It seems they have a dog as big as a house called a Great Danish and another dog called a Jack Rustle. Anne smelled a bit like Mike but also of chocolate pudding. I was very lucky to escape the vet yesterday but I have found out I am going tomorrow - Wessel won't be there so you will have to wait for a photo. I know he is from South Africa and used to play rugbee.