Sunday, 30 November 2008

Sunday, 23 November 2008
Peace on earth, goodwill to all beings

Tabby Cat War Baby
If you lie upside-down and look at it,
The sky is a lake where someone has thrown oil barrels.
Smoke leaks upwards in black trails.
Somewhere distant and comic, machine guns are nails dragged down washboards.
Next to an abandoned washing machine
And riddled signpost, a cat cries for food.
No-one knows if the cat is Serb or Croat. Maybe he’s Muslim.
He rubs his head in each soldier’s hand equally,
Military or paramilitary.
He is a Jazz musician in a wrecked café.
He is the old Yugoslavia, hanging on
With his one eye and his handful of tunes:
I love you and I’m hungry
Playing in an empty town to passing audiences.
Michael Brett
Michael Brett lives in London and is a past winner of the Iolaire Poetry
Prize. During the Civil War in the former Yugloslavia, he worked in the
press section of the Bosnian Information Centre, London.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
A bath ... I think not!

womb we stay white and then start to have this wonderful reaction to temperature.

In the next photo I am standing on the bath ... I fell in once and didn't like the experience. Playing with bubbles is good but don't eat them they taste horrible. Also humans have to put all kinds of smells on themselves so every day I have to remember what TaTa and KeKe smell like. One day it is Shalimar, then it is Angel, then it is Boss, then it is Chanel. Max Factor made a perfume called Sophisti-Cat. It is no longer available... and is considered a vintage collectible. It was produced in the 1950s - whenever that was.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008

After all that rushing around and exercising I am exhausted. Did you know us Siamese sleep around 12 hours a day but do you know which animal sleeps the most ... well I do ... it is a Brown Bat which sleeps around 19 hours a day - how wonderful is that - almost as much as TaTa sleeps.
Welcome to William Laurent - William means Helmet (Teutonic) and Laurent means From the Place of Laurel Trees (French). TaTa used to live on St Laurent Boulevard in Ottawa.
TaTa says my birth mum has just given birth to five kittens - marvellous!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Ten days after my operation I decided I needed to exercise rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen. So it's Pilcates time! I have heard a rumour that my birthmum Poppy is expecting another nest. Also Fiona has just gone into labour. You humans make such a fuss - we just pop them out - you have got to have hospitals, midwives, gas and air, birthing pools, birthing stools, lots of shouting and all kinds of things. We Siamese just give a gentle little push and voila! You humans have a lot to learn. To err is human, to feline divine.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Thijs is t'huis!

Surprise! Thijs has had a nice trip around England from Hemel Hempstead to Cambridge, from Cambridge to Harwich, from Harwich to Boston and then Boston to here and then here to Stansted, from Stansted to Amsterdam then home! Here he is eating a Jammy Dodger. I don't like them because the jam sticks to my whiskers. KeKe and Thijs have gone to get fish and chips - Thijs thinks I am a sweet cat but just wait!!!
Monday, 10 November 2008
Just the two of us
Thursday, 6 November 2008
I am having a rest
At last I come to the end of the Dutchland family. This is Adrianna, her daughter Monia and her granddaughter Haraden. I am having a rest because I discovered a new game today called 'pushing things off the highest place possible just to see if they a) bounce b) make a sound c) break d) make TaTa rush into the room. I have also discovered that I have very strong jaws and can carry things around the house and drive KeKe to distraction when he cannot find his keys. On Saturday I have my stitches out and I do feel much much better. Muddle had to go to the vet and he did an enormous stinky poo in the waiting room and they had to evacuate it because everyone felt sick. Rock on Muddle!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Where is that biscuit?
Saturday, 1 November 2008