I was so bored and the weather so terrible I telephoned Mila and said 'let's go on vacation'. So here we are in the sunshine and I am teaching Gerrie and Carmen how to teach Mila to swim. As you can see Mila loved it and took to it like a duck to water - except that she is not a duck. Mila is the same as the meaning of her name 'friendly, gentle and

pleasant'. To me she is the most beautiful human baby in the cosmos. Girl human babies are best, boy human babies make too much noise and are always banging things and breaking things. Us girls must stick together. Where was I whilst this was all going on - taking the photographs, sitting in the shad sipping a Black Cat Cocktail (cranberry juice and
cola - there is some alcohol as well but us Siamese do not drink as it makes us catatonic), wearing my

Verscratchi shades and lots of sun screen....of course.