Believe it or not folks I got up at 7.30am - and then was picked up by taxi (just like the good old days) and driven to Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People for a meeting on enablement and activities. We were, after an introductory talk, divided into sub-groups for discussions. I chose Independent Living (Training).
After 15 minutes I began to think sticking pins in my eyes might have been a better option because I was sitting with two trustees whose duty it seemed to be to get the words 'protocol', 'politics', 'procedures', 'implementation', 'primary objective' into each sentence.
However also sitting at the table was a very interesting man from Syria called Haian - who happens to be the third most handsome man in the world - so we talked about Syria, having a disability in Syria, his MA at UEA, the UN and Paris.
This somewhat annoyed the two trustees who gave us a stern look and said they were wrapping up the session as there were things to discuss that couldn't be discussed then and there because the primary objectives had not been met so they couldn't discuss secondary objectives without seeing the procedural protocols implemented.
We then moved to the Independent Living (interesting) table and things got better and better. We talked about community, disability rights, equipment awareness training, a dating agency for those with disabilities and I can't tell you what happened next but let's just say it ended up with laughter and general mayhem.
Then it was back home and my bloody toothache came back - going to dentist tomorrow.
Eleven days to Norway and then when I get back we are off to Bilbao!