North Norfolk Different Strokes
At a meeting held on 31 March at The Dunstable Arms Norman Lamb MP listened to the concerns, experiences and issues of members of NNDS with regard to their care both pre-, during and post-stroke.
The meeting was attended by the committee, members and carers each of whom had their own personal story of struggles and successes in obtaining information, support and on-going assistance both in hospital and post-stroke. Norman spoke of his extreme concern about all aspects of medical, therapeutic and domicillary care and is diligently pursuing a Patient Advocacy initiative designed to facilitate access for essential health care services for stroke victims.
NNDS is a support group for younger stroke survivors, their carers, family & friends. We are a registered charity & rely on donations, grants & fund-raising events to keep us going. Our aim is friendship, fun & facts & to give our members the opportunity to regain or increase their confidence & mobility. We arrange talks, trips, exercise classes & tasty meals out! www.differentstrokes.co.uk