If I sit in the e-bay outbox then someone is bound to notice me. I have heard a rumor that I am getting a new friend this week - so I am very excited because Muddle is old and grumpy and doesn't want to run around and Treacle growls when I bite his tail and ears.
It's 21 degrees and rising so TaTa is very happy as it makes her muscles and joints feel better. I prefer to chill out in the shade.
Don't Feel the Burn
The sun is hot. It even gives us vitamin D so we can better absorb calcium into our bodies for strong bones.
It does all these things by sending down light, which includes invisible ultraviolet rays. When your skin's been exposed to too many of these rays, you get what's known as a sunburn. Ouch!
Some people get a sunburn faster than others because of their coloring. Humans with darker skin have more melanin, but even if you have dark hair, dark eyes, or darker-toned skin, you can still get a sunburn.
Sunburns look bad and feel worse. Because getting wrinkles and getting sick don't happen right away, they can seem like things that could never happen to you but you still need to be careful. You don't need to hide from the sun completely. Take these two steps: 1. Always wear sunscreen. 2. Take frequent breaks from the sun by going indoors or moving into the shade. These steps are especially important between 10am and 4pm when the sun's rays are strongest.
Use a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or higher. If you are fair skinned, you should use a sunscreen with a higher SPF rating such as SPF 50. Reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours, just to be safe. Remember that you can get sunburned more quickly when you're swimming or boating because the reflection from the water intensifies the sun's rays.
Be sure to put sunscreen all over your body. Wear a baseball cap or other fun hat to block your face from the sun. Don't forget that your eyes need protection from ultraviolet rays, too. Always wear sunglasses in the bright sun, and make sure they have a label saying that they block UV rays.
Drink lots of water. There are lots of cool-looking water bottles around, so get one you really like, fill it up, and drink up! If you're out in the hot sun, or you're exercising on a hot day, it's easy to get heat exhaustion. You will feel overheated, tired, and weak.
Heat exhaustion can come on suddenly. It can leave a human feeling really tired for days after it happens. Heat stroke is a more serious heat-related illness and can cause a human to stop sweating, to have red, hot skin, and to have a high temperature. It requires emergency medical attention. Be sure to tell someone if you're hot and you have a headache or feel dizzy or nauseous. Then get out of the sun, drink water or go to A&E.
The good news is that the sun doesn't have to be your enemy if you wear your sunscreen, drink your water, and take breaks when you start to feel too hot.
Most important is cats with white or light coloured ears are susceptible to sunburn and cancer of the ear - you can get sunscreen lotion for them too otherwise you will be left with very expensive vet bills!