What a horrid three days teeth-wise. Monday 11.30pm - emergency dental treatment - my gums on my right upper were swollen and the pain unbelievable.
My lovely dentist drilled out three teeth, packed them with antibiotics and some other stuff to relieve the pressure.
Tuesday at 8am - back again to have the packing removed and some x-rays and more packing replaced. Today at 11am - packing removed, swelling down, two root canals and a filling - antibiotics and pain killers.
The best bit was meeting my adopted daughter Stacy in the car park who had just been to see Michel the dentist. She is preggers and doesn't want to know the sex of the baby which I think is very sensible.
I am very lucky to have the most wonderful dentist in Norfolk. He is kind, gentle, patient, calm and caring. Other added bonuses are he is South African, good looking and NHS. Even better is that his surgery is kitted out for his private patients with all the newest gizmos and he uses them on his NHS patients! Unfortunately he found something on my x-ray to do with my jaw so had to go to Cromer Hospital for some further investigation which was not very pleasant.
Will see if he will pose for photo next time. Have to go again next Friday - the following day we go to Bilbao - lovely five hour drive to Portsmouth, then 1.5 days on the ferry complete with cinema etc, then the Guggenheim, cafes and maybe some sunshine and then back on the ferry to Portsmouth.
All for £36 return each - it seems P&O are stopping this particular service this year - it will be a great thing to do because a friend went and she saw dolphins and whales!