This is the touching true story of the two cemetery cats. I noticed the cemetery whilst having breakfast and because I have a fascination with religious iconography decided to visit it. The cemetery is very small and well-tended. At the gates we were greeted by these two cats who followed us around as we looked at each beautiful marble gravestone and architecture. They called so loudly and I said to hubby 'I think they want us to follow them'. So they became our guides. They took us from site to site and I wondered where these two relatively young cats had appeared from. After about half-an-hour hubbie and I sat in the sunshine with the cats sitting next to us on the bench.

A man appeared who turned out to be the cemetery keeper and we had a conversation in broken Spanish, French and English. About a year ago the owner of these two cats died and on her funeral day her relatives could not find the cats - they went to the cemetery and the cats were already there at their owner's graveside. Relatives took the cats home but the cats returned again and again to the cemetery until it was decided that this is where they should be. The cemetery keeper feeds them, takes them to the vet and they live with him in cooler weather as he has a little bungalow on the cemetery grounds. The cats attend every funeral and mourners welcome them and bring

them little gifts. The most amazing thing was when we started to follow them instead of wandering around, the first grave they took us too was their owner's. I visited the cats everyday taking little treats from the hotel and sat with them under the orange trees. I doubt if any human would be as faithful to their loved ones as these two cats - Pepe and Paco.

Today at 8.30am it was 18C.