When it comes to filing the mail we are the best. First if letter is not hand-written or does not contain money (we can smell cheques and postal orders and cash) then put in bin, second at the end of the day empty contents of bin onto open fire. Major rule - cats never read bank statements because we are going to die one day and someone else can worry about it. Parcels are the most fun because they always contain something nice.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
When it comes to filing the mail we are the best. First if letter is not hand-written or does not contain money (we can smell cheques and postal orders and cash) then put in bin, second at the end of the day empty contents of bin onto open fire. Major rule - cats never read bank statements because we are going to die one day and someone else can worry about it. Parcels are the most fun because they always contain something nice.