As you know us Siamese come from a long and distinguished line of well-bred cats. So today I am giving you catiquette lessons on how to eat with a knife and fork.
Siamese cats pay a lot of attention to good table manners.
Never lick or put your knife in your mouth (not because it is rude but because it is dangerous). Never chew with your mouth open. It is impolite to have your paws on the table whilst eating. Never meow with food in your mouth. It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth. Never use your paws to push food into your mouth. It is impolite to slurp your food or eat noisily. Never sneeze over your food (sneeze over your neighbour's, look embarrassed, and then offer to eat it). Always take food from your neighbour's plate. Never pick food out of your teeth with your claws. When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have, start to eat their food. Always always always lick your plate clean (but not your knife). Knives are dangerous.