These are called Guinness Pigs. They come from Ireland. What? Oh Guinea Pigs. They come from Papua New Guinea? What - they don't come from Papua New Guinea? Where do they come from then smart human? Well it seems that despite their common name, these animals are not pigs nor do they come from Papau New Guinea. They come from the Andes. So why aren't they called Andes Pigs. You humans do have a funny way of thinking about things. After all Siamese cats are from Siam, Persian cats from Persia, Abysinian cats from Abysinia and so on. Why can't humans keep things simple - they would be much less stressed. Anyway these Guinea Pigs are enjoying some carrots, grapes, pears and plums. They do all the gardening except for eating thistles and stinging nettles. I have heard they taste quite nice and they do eat them in South America. I'd sooner have some caviar than a cavia - hahahahaha - oh I amuse myself.