Hurrah Ta-Ta is back from her vacation in France. She went to Limoges (pronounced Lee-moggies), Blois and Rouen and had to come back early because of the fire in the EuroTunnel. She told me the pope had gone to Paris - I don't know what a pope is but I thought I would tell you anyway. We did have a butcher called pope here in the town maybe he is a relative. I have picked five photographs from her trip. She stayed with the beautiful Karen in Limoges at her appppparrrrteement and it was very hot (the weather) at 30 degrees celcius with a little rain sometimes and lots of mosquitoes. Ke-Ke went with her and they drove 1399 miles in total which, for a Siamese, would wear out my paws. Ke-Ke was not very well on the boat back (mal de merde) even though the sea was smooth but Ta-Ta is a good sailor and said the journey out from Dover was better because it was very rough. Soon there will be some more photos of me.