Tizit comments: "How sad this man was parted from an animal he had reared from a baby. Even if Knut had killed him at some point I am sure Thomas would have preferred this to dying alone in his apartment. What a strange world you humans live in - you send people to war knowing they may be killed but you will not allow a man to be with and love another being because it may be dangerous. Please leave a message at the website below"
The Berlin zookeeper who became famous for hand-rearing baby polar bear Knut has died. Thomas Doerflein, 44, was found dead in his apartment in the German capital yesterday, police said. Cause of death was not known. Thomas gained fame around the world last year when he began caring for Knut, Berlin Zoo’s most famous resident, after he was rejected by his mother. Thomas and Knut became inseparable and huge crowds flocked to the zoo to watch them frolicking in the bear’s enclosure.
But in July last year Thomas had to stop playing with Knut because the bear had grown too large. Zoo biologist Heiner Kloes said: "He was a highly-engaged keeper who contributed crucially to the development of Knut. "He had passion for him. I am shocked at the death of the keeper, one of my best, who gave everything for his animals."