So here I am again. I have grown some more and also my colours are developing very nicely. A little sadness has come to the house because my sweet old friend Twizzle is not very well and she is going to visit Wessel at 5pm and Ta-Ta has told me she might go to The Great Cat in The Sky. Ta-Ta found Twizzle at an animal rescue and Twizzle was nine years old then and has now reached the age of 26. Twizzle had been thrown out of a car and had many broken bones in her body but was nursed back to perfect health. Now Twizzle is blind, a little deaf and recently falls over a lot, has some problems with breathing and drinks a lot of water. I go over and give her washes and kisses and she likes this but I know she is not very happy. Her poops are very hard and Ta-Ta told me that probably her heart, kidneys and liver are failing. I am very sad and I want her to come home all made better but Wessel is not The Great Cat in The Sky and She in all Her wisdom will guide Wessel, Ta-Ta and Ke-Ke on what to do. So please think of Twizzle at 5pm.
Photo 1 & 2: me
Photo 3: Muddle
Photo 4: Douis
Photo 5: La grande dame et ma cherie Twizzle
Ta-Ta and Ke-Ke have come home and Twizzle was sent to The Great Cat Paradise in The Sky at 17:45 by Wessel. She died very quickly and peacefully. One day I will see her again but I miss my Twizzle and her funny ways.