The iron thing is a sluice key so the owners of the lake can control the flow of water so it doesn't flood. KeKe used to work in watermill and him and the other miller had to get into the freezing cold water to push open the gates so people along the Glaven wouldn't get flooded out. He also did things like dressing the milling stones (as it was a working mill) - I don't know what he dressed them in or with - preferably I like a nice beurre blanc with my lobster.
Then there is a picture of some moss - a mossologist would probably be able to tell you exactly what kind of moss it is.
And lastly is TaTa in her countryside camoflague outfit (this is so she won't be easily spotted in the foliage) with Dog Treacle amongst the snowdrops.
I have just been told that humans who study moss come under the generic term of Biogeographers and that there are around 15,000 types of moss in the world.
Back to me. I have had a nice quiet