or TaTa, KeKe and their two friends Karina and Margaret went for a fairytale walk in Brinton on Sunday. TaTa said it was gorgeous. The sun was shining and the lake was frozen. KeKe told TaTa not to go on the lake because the ice would break but when KeKe wasn't looking she stepped onto it and it didn't break. She also saw horses and chickens. Of course the best bit for KeKe was the tea and cakes in the church - here he is munching on a scone with jam and cream. Karina had to close her business recently due to the echonomick crysis and has to sell her house and move to a smaller one. Margaret goes to Africa sometimes to work with hungry and poor children. Yes I know there is only one photo of snowdrops but I am a Siamese cat and this is my blog and I pick the photos.