Looking at the spread Tabi, your root card is the
5 of Cups...this card reminds us not to focus on what has been lost, represented here by the three over turned goblets, but to see what is remaining and can be salvaged...all is not lost...ask yourself if you have been concentrating too much on what has gone and forgetting what you still have or what could be.
The challenge for this comes in the guise of the
Hanged Man who is crossing this card...he is all about taking a chance a risk, maybe holding on to what is past or gone is a security in a way and the challenge here is to let go and see what happens, trust that there is still enough to believe in and go for....
What is over you is the
3 of Cups , the card of celebration, joy for the future...it is also about healing hurts and wounds but does indicate, because it is a 3, that this is just the completion of one phase and there is more work to be done...if you have been doing any sort of inner healing then continue on that path. Spending time with good friends s good for healing our soul and raising our spirits. Whilst dealing with difficulties it is good to have friends to spend time with, have a laugh with, it helps keep us in balance.
With the challenges of the first two cards I would certainly say that your friends will be more important than ever, laughter and happiness are great healers.
What is at the base of this reading is
The World it again is about completion of a part of our lives. It is about finding our place in the cosmos, how we fit in, the self conneted to nature, not in conflict with it...how we connect. This can often be a struggle for people, knowing where they fit into the great scheme of things...the 3 of Cups and the World fit nicely together, working out how we can be in balance and harmony with the world and all that is around us is a big journey and I think that if we are open to it then it can be one of the greatest adventures ever. We have to be ready for it thought and it does mean that we must have completed a phase of our life first and are ready to surrender to the cosmos..this is the supreme goal of many religions including buddhism, hnduism and Taoism.. I think you are going to take an inner journey Tabi...
Your recent past is indicated by the
9 of Swords this card is all about fear, our fear of it...very often we are more afraid of whatever is bothering us than if it actually happened..we can be so good at that...maybe recently there have been things youhave been worrying about, especially at night? The night can be so long. But often are fears are unfounded, but we still sufer them..this is in your recent past.
Your immediate future is the
2 of Swords decision time. We often blind fold ourselves when we know we need to make a decision but just hope it will go away..it's hard to take that step sometimes, sometimes it involves taking a risk (Hanged Man), sometimes it means saying or doing something that will be unpopular or scary..either way, if you have a decision to make find courage, take off your blind fold and do it.
Where you will find yourself in the future is sybolised by
The Emperor he is all about stability, he is powerful and has drive and determination, he's an energy card. If you are looking for energy you will find it in him. It may not be physical energy but it will be creative and powerful. Maybe because you are feeling unsettled in Sheringham etc you will look for somewhere to be 'rooted', somewhere that inspires you to be creative mentally, spiritually and even physically. Use the power of the Emperor to help you find what it is you are looking for...you can create whatever it is you are looking for, you just have to work out what it is.
Ho other people see you here is represented by the
Devil interestingly he is pretty much the opposite of the Emperor...he symbolises the chains and resptrictions we willing place on ourselves, sometmes it's safer to do that and we could easiy remove those ties but again, we have to be prepared to sometimes give things up, take a risk, have abloody good look inside ourselves and work out why we don't just take off our chains and liberate ourselves..not easy but here's an opportunity to start.
Your hopes and fears are shown here in the
10 of Cups self explanitory I think, the card is about being loved, giving love, contentment and happiness.
The outcoe of this reading is the
King of Wands time to trust our intuition and forget any ventures that may have failed..go with your hunches, if it feels good...do it!
This whole reading is about having a good mental clear out I think...being clear about what you have and what you can focus your energy on...there is a decision to be made and work to be done. It's time to let go of what is no longer working or what has been lost and it's time to move forwards...this takes courage and determination but you have the skills and life experience to do this. Treasure your friendships and keep good friends close, have fun but also take time to be close to nature, go within, take time alone and go with your gut feelings.
If you would like a specific reading you need to be thinking of a question when you draw the cards and then tell me the question.
Hope this means something to you.
Love you,
Claire xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx