This is the first time in two weeks I have been able to walk more than a hundred metres without my right knee dislocating.
There is nothing wrong with the joint - no wear or tear - in fact it over-functions (HMS). Falling flat on my face in public is not my favourite hobby as people either think: 1. she's an old fart; 2. she's drunk; 3. she must be hauled to her feet immediately; 4. she is having a seizure - quick shove a stick in her move; 5. she's dead, so just walk on by.
When I ask a concerned person to grab my ankles and pull sharply I get some strange looks - but they generally oblige and my knee relocates itself.
I am awaiting a spiffy knee brace in PINK!
So Treacle and I took off for a walk on the prom, prom, prom. The sun is actually shining but boy was the wind cold - sharp as a knife.
Off to the Stroke Group this afternoon - mucho funno!
Drooling over my next vacation - Espana por favor.
The twats at North Norfolk Railway et al have now decided there will be a train line across Sheringham Station Road and this morning I watched them digging the beautiful little park up which cost Sheringham over £25,000 from Regeneration money. What a bunch of tossers. All so little boys can play with their little toys. Pathetic.