This is what I want to do with 2009, one of the worst years of my life. Burn it all. It was a fantastic feeling. 2010 didn't start off to well I would like to thank with all my heart the following people who supported me during my collapse the other night: Grania, Philip, David, Hubbie, The Cats, My dog, Ellen, Tanya the Phlebotomist, Jo Ali, Sandra. I really thought I was going to die that night - it was around the same time as I had my stroke in 2009 and I was terrified it was going to happen again. My whole body just collapsed - I couldn't move, could hardly speak and my doctor was amazing.
Grania you have some things to burn too. Maybe just for now but maybe permanently. Your friendship to me: Friends... they cherish one another's hopes. They are kind to one another's dreams. by Henry David Thoreau