They walked and walked in the beautiful countryside around here.
As you can see they fortified themselves with a great breakfast at RoyBoys!
Tabi says 'not only are they family, they are friends - we can rely on them, trust them and know they will be there for us'.
Friendship is co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people. The term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem and affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other. Their tastes may be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.