There never was a good war or a bad peace (Benjamin Franklin).
Sometimes us moggies are fed up with you humans. Always squabbling over something; be it land, money, property, colour, faith. You live in a world filled with beauty and yet you want more - more information, more expenses, more money, more this and more that. Who really cares if you have a huge house, a fast car, a swimming pool, loads of material possessions. Do you feel happy with them? Do you feel jealous or envious that someone's car is bigger or faster than yours, do you want, want, want? Do you share what you have or guard it jealously. Settle for a bit less and you never know, you may feel happier than you anticipated. As you can see us moggies don't crave a huge bed with lots of cushions - just a plastic box and each other. We would be happy walking down this path, climbing this tree and running through the fields. What truly makes you happy?