Different Strokes at the O2. Different Strokes is a group of individuals who have experienced a stroke of varying degrees and caused by various issues (brain tumours, neurological malfunction, Lupus, unknown, heart disease, wrong medication). We are aged from 20-60 and believe in having fun and not focussing on our condition. Doug, in the wheelchair, was told he would be paralysed for life and has recently swum his first mile, Joan was told she wouldn't walk again and she ca! Sandra's husband recently died due to mis-management of his stroke and heart condition in hospital. Eroica hasn't had a stroke but is very nice to stroke. She came along as our general rounder-upper and reporter.

Hazel had a serious stroke in Jordan (the country not the woman) where she worked as an archeologist. I had my stroke in January of this year complicated by the fact I have Lupus and HMS. The main effect I have noticed from the stroke is it as affected my spelling, time frame reference and sentence structure. Which is why I am peed off with having followed an academic Masters in English Lit instead of doing something useful!

We support each other, love each other but most of all have fun, fun, fun!