Thank you everyone for all your kind words about Muddle. He is home safe and sound although he gets more poorly by the day. Thank you for asking about where the photos had gone - I deleted the post because the thought of losing him upset me so much that I didn't want to look at it anymore I will print the photos off for you) - I was over-emotional about it as it reminded me of loss. Thank you again Enid, Shirley, Audrey, Elspeth, and George for looking out for him and continuing to give him food and shelter. He is so spoiled by you all but he deserves it. I have no shame in loving an animal or expressing my emotions. Love to you all and especially to those who harbour bad feelings toward me.
Beautiful berries on my Viburnum bush - soon to be eaten by the blackbirds and the last apple on our apple tree.
Thank you Mike for rescuing Bertie the Tawny Owl. Have a great trip to LA and Australia.
Kees in the stocks at Weybourne Village Fete last year.