Hello Kees and Tabi,
A little mail in English to inform you how we are doing here in Holland.
Indy is doing much better now. We went to the osteopath and childrenfysiotherapist with little result.
We stopped all forms of therapy now mainly because of the quality of the therapists.
Luckely everything seems to be stabilizing. The only difficulty is that she won't sleep in her own bed during the day. This means that there is less time for us to the 'necessary' things to keep the family running.
But besides that she's doing really good. Becoming quite a lady already!
I added some recent pictures of her, so you can see the progress she's making.
Other good news is that I'm accepted for the schooling Intensive Care nursing!! I'm starting the 1st of january in the Diaconessenhuis in Leiden. I'll be working three months in advance and the first week of april starting the schooling.
The education takes 1,5 years. So I'm really glad with this growth!!
Arresiena is doing fine as well. She'll will resume working the second week of november, not really looking foreward to it yet. Indy has to go to the daycare and it's a weird idea to be leaving her over there. She's finally starting to get used to the daily routine of our family and then we're gonna mix it all up again! So we're having mixed feelings about it. But we don't have a choice. Our income is not that much so we are forced to work both. Don't you just love Western society!!??
That's enough about us....
We hope that you are doing fine. Cees still busy with your practice? Hope you're doing well. And Taby still as vibrant as always?? We really hope to see you soon in Holland. And mayby we'll visit you in Britain in the future..
With love,
Tim, Arresiena, Jaeyno and Indy