I love this photo which I took in my garden because the light and subject epitomises Fall. Autumn light is one of the most beautiful lights to photograph.

Just rose syrup at the bottom of a glass. I use rose syrup to add to Pepsi to give a a Middle Eastern twist and to bath water.

Treacle looking after Wimble

Chevvie looking after hmself

My lovely friends Jim the Fisherman and his, now, wife Kate at their wedding ceremony. Jim and Kate have Treacle when we go away and Treacle loves it because they have rabbits, chickens, goats and loads of land. Jim is an interesting person - not only is he a lobster/crab man (thanks Jim!) but he is President of the Fisherman's Guild, the mediator between the offshore windfarm project and local fisherman, a hydrographic surveyor and a driftwood artist. Have a look at his work on www. ecobeach.biz/gallery.html