This is what a baby human looks like - they have no fur except on their head. This is a Dutch baby which was made by Gerry and Carmen (two Dutch humans) about two months ago. The Dutch baby is being cuddled by her Dutch cousin called Jeeno. It seems there are a lot of Dutch people in Dutchland. Ta-Ta said today it rained again and also a little bit of sunshine. She is going to visit Carmen, Gerrie, Jeeno, Mila and Carla on Friday. I am making a great big nuisance of myself in the house now Ta-Ta is away and Ke-Ke is having to run around everywhere cleaning our poop boxes, feeding us, walking Treacle, brushing Treacle, clipping Treacle, feeding the guinea pigs, feeding the fish, cleaning the pond - all the things that Ta-Ta does when she is here.