There have been some meows about me not being on every blog ... so this is to let you know there will be at least one photo of me on every blog whilst I explain about the Dutchland family. So for all those who missed me last time here I am! As you can see I am changing colours again - just like the leaves on the trees.
The second photo is of Rudolfus Abrahamus Alexander (brother-in-heart of Ta-Ta and Ke-Ke), Ta-Ta and Margo (sister of Ke-Ke). This is in their garden which is near the palace of the Dutch Queen - the Dutch Queen doesn't have great big houses like the English Queen and also she likes to ride a bicycle instead of riding around in a gold carriage or a big car. Ta-Ta has met the Dutch Queen and says she is

very nice and you don't have to wear a hat or curtsey or bow. Anyway Rude-Boy (as Ta-Ta calls him) is 60 and is always doing something social, technical, funny or climbing something - very difficult in Dutchland as their highest hill is 2 metres and they are below sea level so that really makes it minus 2 metres. Margo is Rude-Boy's wife and she works as a teacher's assistant - she used to be a radiologist so remember this every time you listen to the radio. Margo is very patient with Rude-Boy who is always wandering about on long walks, climbing glaciers and being silly in public places.
The next photo is Rude-Boy again with Margo and Ke-Ke. Ta-Ta and Ke-Ke arrived at 11.30pm and Rude-Boy was blowing a trumpet out of the

window. This is the day after and it was very hot in the garden. Rude-Boy got out a hammock and made burned bacon for breakfast. They also had muisjes (little mice) on their bread in the morning so I am beginning to like these humans more and more.
Then we have Rude-Boy in the cafe in Kijkduin. Ta-Ta said she would pay only if Rude-Boy would walk to the cash desk with her purse - so of course he did.
And the last photo I like very much because it reminds me of a famous statue called The Kiss by Rodent. This is Rude-Boy and Margo in the garden of Gert. Just in the corner you can see their daughter Ellen. Rude-Boy and

Margo have three daughters - Ellen, Sandra and Marije and a grandson called Finn.