The first photo is in a cafe in Kijkduin - they are eating Tiramisu with cream and chocolate pie. The human man standing is Rudolphus Abrahamus Alexander. He is a social worker and he also climbs glaciers. He cannot sit still for more than five minutes and tells Ta-Ta lots of rude words in Dutch. The human woman with the white-blond hair is Margo, the wife of Ruud. Margo is the sister of Ke-Ke who is mydad. The woman with the brown headscarf is Adrianna Janna who is the sister of Ke-Ke. They had a lot of fun and Adrianna ate a whole portion of huge chocolate pie herself - so I like her a lot! The second photo is of Ta-Ta, Adrianna and Margo on the promenade in

Now is this photo we have on the left Nedra who is the daughter of Mohammed and Adrianna.

In the next photo is Adrianna, who did not give Ta-Ta any tips, then Ta-Ta playing dumme with Sadradine. Ke-Ke said she started very well and then lost concentration (which is normal for Ta-Ta because she becomes bored very easily). Ke-Ke said that Sadradine was a little nervous because Ta-Ta played so well.
Sadradine is very nice - he has a broomfeets which I thought first was a special cleaning thing but Ta-Ta says it is spelled bromfiets and is a small motorbike - but it is in Tunisia. I don't know why but it is. There are many more humans in this family - Mohammed and Adrianna's children are: Monia, Mouez, Sadradine, Scharma, Nedra and Amel - the grandchildren are Donnja, Geradine, Mohammed and there are two more but I cannot remember their names because like some Dutch names, Arabic names are hard to say with lots of very hard g (like in loch) and rolling r and j which is yer - so it gives me a bit of a headache because us Siamese have only soft letters and sounds in our language.