First about me. Here I am finishing off some lovely Dutch cream thing that Ta-Ta brought back from Dutchland. She says they have the best dairy products in the whole wide universe. All you have to say to her is 'hopjes vla, griesmelpap, vanilla vla, karnemelk, volle melk, bitterkoekpudding' and she goes into a trance.

Also I have some special news that my sister Poppy won FIRST PRIZE in a Siamese Cat Competition in Devon.

Now to Johan Frans Junior (John). In the first photo John is wearing dark glasses so you cannot recognise him. Now I think it is easy to find John because he has very special fur. He is known in Dutchland as a 'krullebol' which means curly head. Ta-Ta says his hair needs a little cut and you can see his curls properly. Also in the photo you see his sister Margo, his other sister Adrianna and his brother-in-heart Mohammed. I told you this family is complicated to follow. They are on a boat which is going down the Rijn River as John lives nearby. John used to be a psychologist but then changed his career to work in film and theatre and to become an astronaut .... moment Ta-Ta is calling something .... not astronaut - astronomist ... what ... astroturf ... okay ... astrologist. It is like a psychologist except he works with stars.
As you can see the sun always shines in Dutchland. Most humans think it rains all the time but it doesn't. So you can sit outside in cafes and have a cofee and cake and this is what John is doing here (is the woman next to John his girlfriend - he seems to like the look of her).
Also the Dutchland people talk all the time - they never stop - and they talk to themselves as well - Rude-Boy does that a lot.

In the last photo John has taken off his dark glasses because he is afraid the parakeet may steal them.