Yet another brother of Ke-Ke - Gert He is the twin of John (the one with the big hair). As you can see he is very tall. Ta-Ta says there are a lot of tall humans in Dutchland - some are over 2 metres - I think it is because a lot of them they are below sea level and they need to be tall to reach the oxygen. The Dutch think themselves very clever in making new land - for centuries, they have been reclaiming land from the ocean — so much so, that the Netherlands of today was approximately 60% underwater 1000 years ago but I would like to remind them that whatever humans can do animals can do better: beavers are known for their natural trait of building dams in rivers and streams and building their lodges in the resulting pond. Beavers also build canals to float build materials that are difficult to haul over land. They use powerful front teeth to cut trees and plants that they use for building and for food.
This is Boy Muddle - he is the love of my life but he is very grumpy. I think he finds me too exhausting as he is quite old. He likes to visit all the elderly ladies in the area and he gets lots of treats. Oh well I will just have to love him from afar. Sigh.