Monday, 30 November 2009
Get off the telephone
To some, these four words would be painful but for me they are a liberation from emotional bondage. There are two sources of emotional bondage, ourselves and others. We cannot break free from another, however, until we are first freed from ourselves.
The relationship between the victim of emotional abuse and the victimiser is a circular relationship but interrupting the destructive circle by confronting ourselves first is the necessary sequence for liberation. Unlike physical bondage, psychological bondage is kept in place by the imprisoned.
A shocking fact, perhaps, but a fact, nonetheless. To be psychologically oppressed we must participate in the oppression and oppress ourselves. To be psychologically liberated we must choose integrity and liberate ourselves.
Once our integrity has been compromised by participating in our own abuse, we are in jeopardy. The protection of truth, fairness, caring and respect that integrity provides is no longer available to us. With my self-confidence eroded and my self-doubt and self-loathing at an all time high, I was in a very weakened position. Yet, it is only from this weakened position that I could begin my liberation journey.
The words "Get off the telephone" were a gift of freedom. But I do not presume that this is the end. Every day new choices must be made. When the familiar pattern of self-loathing, self-abuse, and self-doubt overwhelm the commitment to integrity and hope, I must pick myself up, search to discover what occurred to knock me down emotionally, and then caringly and firmly help myself up.
The path out of emotional bondage is not a straight line. It is a curved path of spirals and turns, of tears and struggle, of set-backs and discouragement. The grip of oppression is seductively inviting because of its familiarity and deception.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
The relationship between the victim of emotional abuse and the victimiser is a circular relationship but interrupting the destructive circle by confronting ourselves first is the necessary sequence for liberation. Unlike physical bondage, psychological bondage is kept in place by the imprisoned.
A shocking fact, perhaps, but a fact, nonetheless. To be psychologically oppressed we must participate in the oppression and oppress ourselves. To be psychologically liberated we must choose integrity and liberate ourselves.
Once our integrity has been compromised by participating in our own abuse, we are in jeopardy. The protection of truth, fairness, caring and respect that integrity provides is no longer available to us. With my self-confidence eroded and my self-doubt and self-loathing at an all time high, I was in a very weakened position. Yet, it is only from this weakened position that I could begin my liberation journey.
The words "Get off the telephone" were a gift of freedom. But I do not presume that this is the end. Every day new choices must be made. When the familiar pattern of self-loathing, self-abuse, and self-doubt overwhelm the commitment to integrity and hope, I must pick myself up, search to discover what occurred to knock me down emotionally, and then caringly and firmly help myself up.
The path out of emotional bondage is not a straight line. It is a curved path of spirals and turns, of tears and struggle, of set-backs and discouragement. The grip of oppression is seductively inviting because of its familiarity and deception.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Sunday, Sunday

Sunday, 29 November 2009
Return from Retreat
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Bye for now
Am on my to happiness, ahaahahahah. Well first a Retreat and then France. See you on 12 December. It's 19 degrees in Avignon. Bloody freezing here.
Bye for now
Am on my to happiness, ahaahahahah. Well first a Retreat and then France. See you on 12 December. It's 19 degrees in Avignon. Bloody freezing here.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Poetry in motion

I know being prideful is not the thing but I do feel proud.
This charming, intelligent, articulate, beautiful, educated young woman chose to read one of my poems in order to gain a Drama Scholarship at a Public School.
Of all the poems in all the world she chose mine. Rosa you just don't know how honoured I feel.
I wish you so much luck and know you will get the scholarship - not because of my words which you portrayed to the Board but because of your spirit, your energy and commitment.
I applause you on choosing the International Baccalaureate route for furthering your education and know that one day you will make a great Ambassador for any international cause to which you can bring your integrity, your sense of justice and your ability of 'thinking outside the box'.
Thank you Grania for bringing such an exceptional, out-spoken, wise, witty, globally-minded, and sometimes wilful child into this world.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Today I lost Hope
Funnily enough this was not a bad thing. It has taken me 56 years to figure out that hope is just an abstract concept based on wishes and desires and not on reality. Maybe the Greeks were right when Pandora's box was opened and 'hope' was kept in as it was considered the most dangerous. Later on, of course, like all good stories, 'hope' was let out just to give humankind something to hang on to!
When one says 'I hope you get better' or 'I hope you die you evil revengeful bi*ch' what does it really mean - I prefer, from now on, to use 'accept' instead of 'hope'.
So 'I accept you are ill' or 'I accept I may or may not win the lottery' (actually I do hope I win the lottery even though I don't buy a ticket so this negates this whole statement!).
Hey ho! It's almost Christmas.
When one says 'I hope you get better' or 'I hope you die you evil revengeful bi*ch' what does it really mean - I prefer, from now on, to use 'accept' instead of 'hope'.
So 'I accept you are ill' or 'I accept I may or may not win the lottery' (actually I do hope I win the lottery even though I don't buy a ticket so this negates this whole statement!).
Hey ho! It's almost Christmas.
Misunderstanding...we all hear what we want to hear
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
North Norfolk Different Strokes go on Strike!

We are not a particularly 'normal' group as all of us have either had a severe or moderate stroke, some form of brain injury, vascular dementia or about anything that can go wrong with the brain. As a group we believe that life is for living and regardless of our individual and sometimes complex conditions we encourage, support and challenge each other. This week we went bowling - and the three teams did marvellously. I couldn't play due to a further condition I have called Hypermobility Syndrome which means my joints can dislocate when lifting, throwing. So I was the waitress and gofer for the night.
The first photo shows my hubbie receiving the overall champion cup - he hasn't had a stroke but we don't discriminate against the able-bodied! Gilly (looking on with a glint in her eye is a carer for her husband Steve making the cross sign who has vascular dementia) is determined to win the cup next time.
In the second photo is Sally who is the wife/carer of Norman who, before his stroke and brain injury, was a seismic and hydrographic surveyor.
The third photo is my friend Grania and her son Jim.
Next is Douglas who astonished all his consultants by walking, talking and now swims 3 miles a day in the local pool.
In the last photo is Michael - Dr of Oriental Languages with the most wicked sense of humour. He was the only one who almost ended up in A&E when he dropped a bowling ball .5cms from his foot!
Otherwise all were safe (I had to get Chris out of the men's loo - he had a brain injury which causes spasmodic memory loss and he had gone into the loo to drink his pint of lager and had forgotten where he was!). I also had to round up Joan, Sandra and a few others who seemed to prefer being at the bar rather than on the lanes.
I must admit that these are the greatest bunch of people I have had the pleasure to meet and be with. We rarely talk about our various conditions but if we need to we can. The whole group just gels together and it is wonderful. And Michael stop patting my bottom!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Monday, 9 November 2009
In Remembrance

I dedicate this blog to my uncle-in-law Willem Cornelis van der Does. Willem was the brother of my father-in-law (who was a Conscientious Objector).
When Willem left the family home he moved to Warmond where he joined the Dutch military. Disillusioned with the war and suffering he decided to go to France to join the Dutch Resistance. Tragically he was captured by the German military in northern France and after spending three months in prison was executed by firing squad in Dijon, France aged 31. With him were Willy Olland (22), Jacob van Assenberg (22), Laurent van Leleuwen (22) Gustave Joelkas (17), Charles Jean-Laurey (22), Jendri-Alexandre de Beaufort (27), Richard Delamaar (22), Victor-Lucas Makatita (23).
After the war he was granted the Croix de Guerre Met Palmen 1939-1945 by the French and the Verzelsherdenkingkruis (Cross of the Resistance Fighters) by The Netherlands.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
My friends Sheena and Mike get married!!!!

Mike used to be a professional wrestler who, along with his brother Dave, were called The UK Pitbulls. Bulk (Mike Waters, born 1978) and Big Dave (Dave Waters, born 1971). Their motto was "if we don't beat you, we eat you!".
They held a considerable number of titles in the UK and the USA. Their career as a tag team ended when Dave Waters sustained a crippling injury in a strongman contest which left him in a wheelchair.
They are 20 time Tag team champions.

Their next gig is 7 November at King Eddie's in Norwich. If you have sensitive ears take earplugs - not only could Mike do serious damage in the ring, he does serious damage to his drum kit and anyone within a click!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Mirrors, meals and moggies

Tuesday, 3 November 2009
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