We are not a particularly 'normal' group as all of us have either had a severe or moderate stroke, some form of brain injury, vascular dementia or about anything that can go wrong with the brain. As a group we believe that life is for living and regardless of our individual and sometimes complex conditions we encourage, support and challenge each other. This week we went bowling - and the three teams did marvellously. I couldn't play due to a further condition I have called Hypermobility Syndrome which means my joints can dislocate when lifting, throwing. So I was the waitress and gofer for the night.
The first photo shows my hubbie receiving the overall champion cup - he hasn't had a stroke but we don't discriminate against the able-bodied! Gilly (looking on with a glint in her eye is a carer for her husband Steve making the cross sign who has vascular dementia) is determined to win the cup next time.
In the second photo is Sally who is the wife/carer of Norman who, before his stroke and brain injury, was a seismic and hydrographic surveyor.
The third photo is my friend Grania and her son Jim.
Next is Douglas who astonished all his consultants by walking, talking and now swims 3 miles a day in the local pool.
In the last photo is Michael - Dr of Oriental Languages with the most wicked sense of humour. He was the only one who almost ended up in A&E when he dropped a bowling ball .5cms from his foot!
Otherwise all were safe (I had to get Chris out of the men's loo - he had a brain injury which causes spasmodic memory loss and he had gone into the loo to drink his pint of lager and had forgotten where he was!). I also had to round up Joan, Sandra and a few others who seemed to prefer being at the bar rather than on the lanes.
I must admit that these are the greatest bunch of people I have had the pleasure to meet and be with. We rarely talk about our various conditions but if we need to we can. The whole group just gels together and it is wonderful. And Michael stop patting my bottom!