I dedicate this blog to my uncle-in-law Willem Cornelis van der Does. Willem was the brother of my father-in-law (who was a Conscientious Objector).
When Willem left the family home he moved to Warmond where he joined the Dutch military. Disillusioned with the war and suffering he decided to go to France to join the Dutch Resistance. Tragically he was captured by the German military in northern France and after spending three months in prison was executed by firing squad in Dijon, France aged 31. With him were Willy Olland (22), Jacob van Assenberg (22), Laurent van Leleuwen (22) Gustave Joelkas (17), Charles Jean-Laurey (22), Jendri-Alexandre de Beaufort (27), Richard Delamaar (22), Victor-Lucas Makatita (23).
After the war he was granted the Croix de Guerre Met Palmen 1939-1945 by the French and the Verzelsherdenkingkruis (Cross of the Resistance Fighters) by The Netherlands.