The day started with rain, rain and more rain but by the time 2pm came around the sun was out and it was one of those glorious autumn days. So we set off into the woods of Holt Country Park and, of course, got lost! Treacle didn't care whether we were lost or not because he spent most of his time charging around the undergrowth, leaping into ponds and puddles and chasing squirrels. Then we toddled off to Back to the Garden in Letheringsett for capuccinos and cake.

At 4pm we dashed to Cley Church to arrive just in time for the Advent Service. Grania's daughter Rosa was singing in the choir which was glorious but the church was so cold - so I just closed my eyes and let myself drift into the music trying to ignore my freezing bum.

Then back to Cley to thaw out in front of the fire with Jim who immediately got us playing Monopoly (I think a sign of getting older is when you can't see the prices of rents on the cards - but my eyesight did deteriorate after my mni-stroke in January). Kees, of course, being the canny accountant, won (the fact he was the banker and next to a stash of cash could have been a clue). I just did the usual - spent everything I had, sulked when Jim got Mayfair and then when he sold it to me bought loads of properties which no-one landed on and was wiped out by a Pall Mall hotel, quickly followed by Grania and then Jim graciously followed leaving Kees the smirking victor.

A lovely Sunday and now it is a glorious Monday. Cold but beautiful sunshine yet again.