As you have probably gathered my photos have little to do with the words. The photos are just random but then again so are the words!
After being soaked to the skin on Sunday - am greeted on Monday with beautiful sunshine. Crazy, lovely weather.
I've been thinking a lot about my respective families - the Dutch, the Middle Eastern and the British and all the joy they have bought into the world and all the sadness and illnesses - Alzheimer's, Alcholism, Anxiety, Blindness, Cancer (throat, mouth, cervical, lung), Cerebal Palsy, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes, Depression, Dementia, Drug Addiction (prescription or otherwise), Glaucoma, Heart Conditions, Hypermobility Syndrome, Hypertension, Infertility, Lupus, Miscarriage, Manic Depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Optic Neuritis, Post-Traumatic Stress Prostate Disorder, Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Stillbirth, Strokes, Suicide (attempted and succeeded). Yet all these people led, lead and some still lead relatively healthy lives (five vegetarians, one vegan) , all had or still have successful careers (architect, editor, diplomat, gymnast, psychologist, social worker, management consultant, teachers (Montessori, Steiner and private) all were and some still are active (tennis players, cyclists, swimmers, dancers, skiers).
None, except one, are huge drinkers, a couple smoked. The majority are (or were - except for the two oldest) well-educated and comfortably off.
And all were in their 40s or 50s (except for two) when the disorders were diagnosed or when they died (except for two).
It's an unexplainable irony ... fate, gene pool, the pressures of today's society...who knows. I certainly don't. I wish I did.