I have been asked what happened to 1 June - well a girl has to get her beauty sleep. From now on I probably won't post a blog everyday because I am very busy raising money for charity and also making sure that these two chaps do their work properly. This is Cameron and James from C&C Windows and they are fixing gutters and things outside. I've heard they might be putting a conservative in the garden as well - all for me. They are a bit noisy and there is some drilling and banging but mymum isn't scared so I'm not scared either. My flea has gone thank you to Michael the vet - he thought I had the most beautiful blue eyes. I've also decided that I don't like kitten food anymore and I steal the other cats food because it is more tasty and I do like the occasional drop of goat's milk (cows milk is not good for cats at all because it gives them a dire-rear).