Us Siamese are uncomplicated cats. We sleep, we wash, we eat, we poop, we play and we sleep again. Humans are so complicated - they get themselves into such a mess. Why don't they learn from us? When we don't like another cat we tell them straightaway - we puff up our fur, hiss and growl and it usually ends there and each keeps their distance until they know each other better. Sometimes it does end in a fight but we don't do the things that humans do - we don't use emotional blackmail, we don't get aggrieved over silly things, we don't manipulate (as you can see the word even starts with (hu)man - if it started with cat then it would mean a good thing, and we love unconditionally. Go find a sunny spot to relax in, go have a bath, have something delicious to eat and stop hurting each other, fighting with each other ... because ultimately your hatred, envy, greed, anger will only destroy you and also you are adding to all the bad things in the world like war and famine. Learn from the great philosophers like Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Plato, Aristotle, St Paul, St Augustine, St Thomas Aquinas, Michel Montaigne, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, G W F Hegel, Soren Kierkegaard, Bertrand Russell, Simone de Beauvoir, Anders Nygren, Gene Outka, Robert Solomon, Harry Frankfurt . So chill out humans.
Now that I am older I am not going to use mymum or mydad anymore. They are going to be called Ta and Co.
Bonjour Ka-ka! Beau pour être avec tu. Vois-tu bientôt. Gardez la foi et la combustion de lumières. Ti-Ti, Ta-ta & Co-Co