Hello Sarah, My eyes don't really look like that it's just that mymum tried to do the red eye correction and gave me very strange eyes indeed. I was a bit naughty today - I thought I would try and see if I could make mymum cross - so whilst she was on the computer I went behind a box and did a lovely artistic pile of poop. It took about 3 seconds and the aroma filled the room (to me wonderful but to humans not so wonderful). Mymum said 'what is that smell' (it was a mixture of sardines, goat's milk and some kitten crunchies). Strangely enough she didn't get cross at all and just cleaned it with some dizzifectant. So I know now tht mymum really loves me. She then got out a map of Ottawa (where she is from) and I helped her find where she used to live.
I dont know who this cat is. I always thought it was a cushion until it moved. It's name is Doo-ee and it is a refugee. I have heard a rumour that another
Siamese might be coming to live here because mymum has always had two Siamese. It would be nice to have someone of my own breeding here.
Thatman is watching football now. He is going to support Dutchland - they are funny people who wear wooden shoes when playing football and have a big round cheese instead of a ball.
When mymum and thatman speak Dutchspeak it sounds like they are trying to cough up a hairball.
Lots of humans come to the house and I sit on their laps whether they like it or not. I am waiting to meet Julia and Andy because they had Siamese cats so they must be very special.