Here are all four of us together eating. Twizzle has to be shown to her bowl because she is blind, Muddle eats like a real gentleman and Douis likes her head in the kitchen and her bottom in the dining room. I will eat anywhere and anything and if anyone is not quick enough I will eat there food too! There are some foods you should not give to a cat and here they are:
Tuna Fish
Tuna Fish is a favorite among many cats but lacks the vitamins and nutrients to keep your cat healthy diet. Tuna meant for human consumption lacks Vitamin E making this an unhealthy and sometimes dangerous food choice. Vitamin E deficiency can cause serious health conditions such as Yellow Fat Disease. Even if dietary supplements are given to counteract the negative nutritional value, tuna is still a poor choice because of the mercury that it contains. Tuna is also believed to cause allergic conditions and reactions in cats. If your cat is a Tuna lover it is best to buy fortified canned cat food in tuna flavor to make sure they are meeting their vitamin and mineral requirements.
Cows milk and dairy products: No, no, no, no, NO! Many cats are lactose intolerant because they lack the enzyme lactase. Without this enzyme, their bodies have a difficult time breaking down and digesting milk and dairy food products. This upset to the system can cause diarrhea and skin irritation. If your cat loves milk do not despair, there are several companies which sell lactose free milk products that are designed with a cat's digestive system in mind. Goat's milk is okay - but in small quantities (not daily - just as a little treat).
Dog food: nutritionally undervalued for cat’s requirements, as it does not contain enough protein or taurine to meet the cat’s nutritional needs. If the cat eats dog food on a regular basis it will become unwell.
Scraps:Many people will also feed their cat the scraps from their own dinner and once again the food that we eat is not of the correct nutritional balance that is sufficient to ensure that the cat has optimal health. Scraps can contain various things such as onions which are toxic to cats.
Chocolate: You should ensure that you never, ever, never give your cat chocolate to eat otherwise it could become very ill and even die.
Bones: These can splinter and get caught in their throat and intestinal track. This can cause a lot of damage or serious injury or death.Onions, garlic, & related root vegetables: Onions contain a substance (N-propyl disulphide) which destroys red blood cells in the cat, causing a form of anemia called Heinz body anemia. Garlic contains a similar substance in a lesser amount. So if you give your cat gravy, for instance, this could contain a small amount of onion or garlic and cause problems even death for your cat.
Tomatoes, raw potatoes, aubergines, These foods are members of the Solanaceae family of plants, which includes the Deadly Nightshade, and contain a bitter, poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal symptoms
House Plants:
Amaryllis: Amaryllis is a popular houseplant and is usually purchased as a bulb. This house plant is very poisonous to cats.
Asparagus Ferns: This house plant that is poisonous to cats is popular in hanging baskets or large pots on shelves. The lacy green fern fronds hang down as they grow, enticing cats to play with and sample them.
Caladium: Caladium is a large leaved house plant. This house plant is poisonous to cats.
Crotons: There are multiple varieties of crotons that are grown in the home. Unfortunately, it is a house plant that is poisonous to cats.
Dieffenbachia: Dieffenbachia is a tall house plant with large green and white leaves. It is poisonous to cats.
Peace Lilies: Peace lilies are large plants with glossy green leaves and tropical looking flowers on thin stalks. Unfortunately, every part of this house plant is poisonous to cats.
Philodendron: One of the most widely grown house plants in the world, philodendron is a large jungle vine with attractive leaves. Thishouse plant is poisonous to cats.
Rubber Plant: The rubber plant is part of the ficus family. The rubber plant, and other varieties of ficus house plants, are poisonous to cats.