I have discovered a new favourite food - Wild Alaska Salmon - it's is almost as good as chicken but not quite. I leave a little bit for the other cats to try. I am never going to eat kitten food again after this. I like it when mymum and thatman have fish & chips - they are very happy to share them with me - especially when I sit on the plate and look at them with my mesmerising blue eyes. I also have a trick of staring at the ceiling until one of them looks away and then politely remove most of what is on their plate. I thought I had a terrible injury the first time and I ran round and round until mymum said it is tomato catsup. I had pink fur on my head for two days - not very becoming for a Siamese. You never really know what is going to happen next in this house. The builders were back banging and sawing outside, so I went upstairs with mymum to have a sleep. She has a lovely feather bed and duvet so it shuts out any noise when I go underneath the covers and we both sleep very well. In fact I am quite tired just thinking about it - so .................................