If you venture into Hammamet town be prepared for the following:
Being yanked into shops by your wrist, arms, elbow, hand - not that pleasant when you have EDS or are unstable on your feet
Being subjected to constant 'come in my shop, just look, hassle free' - don't fall for that one!
Finding the most fabulous fake everything from Dior to Prada to Diesel to D&G - everything from jewellery to clothes - marvellous!
disgustingly dirty toilets in cafes - go into hotels - I find public loos disgusting enough in the UK but Hammamet tops them
Constantly being asked if you want a taxi - they follow you down the road whistling and honking!
Don't take any photos of people unless you have a telefoto lens - you will be either 1. sworn at 2. asked for money
No Arabic coffee in sight - only Nescafe or espresso and when I asked for mint tea it was as though I had asked for a free ticket to the moon!
Some beautiful Mosques and architecture but if you stand still for more than half a second to take a photo someone is there to try and sell you something or ask for money
Fun though!