I was going to write about Jess but decided to leave it as it brings up too many painful memories.
Had a wonderful time in Tunisia. Lots of things happened and didn't happen but don't feel like writing about them at the moment. Nice to see some sunshine in the UK but I have put on the central heating! The lovely Tabi pampered Chevvie and Wimble; Treacle came back from Jim full of beans and farts.
I managed to put on 2lbs even though I ate prunes, figs, pineapple, no bread, honey for breakfast, a pasta salad for lunch and rice or couscous with vegetables and one sweet pudding, 2 litres of water a day, swam every day in the sea, in the outdoor pool, in the indoor pool. I drank no alcohol, ate no meat, no coffee, no tea, no gorgeous syrup-laden puddings so am pissed off!! Was totally constipated by Wednesday (yes even after three days of fruit and good stuff!) so hubbie went to the local pharmacy in Yasmin Hammamet and purchased the most effective laxative since Dynarod - it tasted of aniseed and I thought 'a bit more won't hurt'...what happened in the next few hours I will leave to your imagination!