Look away if you are of a sensitive nature! Otherwise here we are after 30 years of being together. I love hubbie more now, he is my rock, my compass and when I feel all around me is crumbling he gently helps me put things in their place.
He is the one who drove 140 miles to pick me up when I had a meltdown on the coach, the one who has flown to Canada when I was taken ill, the one who held my hand as I cried at Jess's funeral, the one who defended me against bullies and cowards, the one who said 'they don't matter - you did you're best. They are the weak ones not you', the one who holds my hand at the dentist, who tickles my toes when I go into the MRI machine, who encourages me when I lose hope and
I do the same for him.
But we can also be a total pain in the arse to each other