Thursday 8 April 2010

Sum ego adultus

Lately, I've been preoccupied with the parts of me that seem adult versus the parts of me that maturity continues to elude.

It's a two-columned mental list, divided by items like 'going snowboarding' and 'having a folding seat fitted in the shower room'.

After seeing The Pocket Godzillas perform a couple weeks ago, I added and triple-underlined a new item in my list's 'adult' column: I no longer enjoy standing next to loud speakers at a rock concerts.

I get frustrated over drink prices and line ups in the supermarket - it's a choice between "adult - shop on-line' or 'throw myself on the floor having a tantrum' (not so adult).

I roll my eyes at every person snapping a video of someone famous on their mobile (when the not-so-old secretly lusts after the iPhone GS) or the fact that the Tallest Man Who Has Ever Walked The Earth decides sit himself directly in front of me at the movies. Adult - move seats, not so adult - whack him on the head with a newspaper.

I think being not so adult is much more fun - hey I'm a dandelion!