Sunday 22 August 2010

For Christine make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me smile, you make me wonder, you play. Who else could get me to dress up as a slug and nibble on a giant marrow? Who else makes tea in tea cups instead of builder's mugs? Who else has the strength to pull the door of a VW van and hold it up for thirty minutes?
Christine, who despite the most tragic of childhoods, still holds onto life with the tenacity of a small village. Christine - the artist, the author, the lover of all animals, the red of hair, the fighter, the lovely. What a gift you are to the world and all who know you. You will recover from your operation soon.
How brave you are to have gone through that - I understand your fear of all things medical but you did it, you did it - all on your own - you did it - and you will go on to do so much more. I love you.