Friday 20 February 2009

The attack of the Purple Striped Cushion Snake

Dear Tizit, What a lot you know, and how you care for animals the world over - I wonder if a book is in prospect? My black cat Polly hasn't a bear for a best friend, but likes the story. I hope the embroidered thumb is healing. I'm a bit more frisky now the snow has gone. All the best, Twinkle.

I was minding my own business when all of a sudden a Purple Striped Cushion Snake (puniceus virga) slithered into the sitting room While genuine unprovoked attacks by snakes are rare, it is still a good idea to know how to behave should you encounter a Purple Striped Cushion Snake.

Snakes are generally shy but not the Purple Striped Cushion Snake. Left undisturbed they rarely attack humans but they have a special penchant for Siamese.
The Purple Striped Cushion Snake likes to startle Siamese cats - they lie in wait pretending to be a stuffed toy and then all of sudden pandemonium.
I then either stand still and wait for the snake to move or to leap on it and twirl it round and round. This makes the Purple Striped Cushion Snake extremely dizzy and faint. These snakes have very short memories and when it comes round it will wonder where it is and why it is there and what it is doing and then slither off.
Taking a few simple precautions can help you avoid disturbing a Purple Striped Cushion Snake. First never throw anything at it and if you are in an area where you know there are Purple Striped Cushion Snakes be aware of your surroundings especially if there is furniture around. Don’t poke your paws under cushions or magazines. Take care about where you are treading and if you are unsure, go very slowly. If you are out at night when the Purple Striped Cushion Snake is especially active then you shouldn't be - Siamese should be indoors tucked up under a down duvet.