Friday 13 February 2009

The Bear-Cat

First of all before you get scared the shadow behind the blind is Muddle. But I have written a good creepy cat story.

It is told that Muddle the cat is a brave and fearless hunting cat. The cats of his tribe were always going on hunting trips, but I had to stay home (because I am a female). I secretly followed Muddle one day when he went hunting with the other cats. I hid behind a rock and spied on Muddle and the others as they sat around purring sacred stories and doing magic.

According to the law of the tribe, it was forbidden for me to hear the sacred stories and see the magic, so I wore a bear skin and transformed into a monster - half cat and half bear and ran into the tribe scattering them everywhere. Ever after I roamed the hills, howling desolately (and loudly). Muddle was hunting one night and I crept up behind him and Muddle whirled around. His heart pounded with fear, Muddle found himself staring into the big, glowing yellow eyes of the Bear-Cat (that's me don't forget). I had huge fangs dripping with saliva. Then I howled, and Muddle's fur nearly turned inside out in horror. With a scream of terror, Muddle leapt backwards and ran as fast as he could through the woods, the Bear-Cat on his heels. He fled to the home of a friend who lived nearby, and burst through the cat flap only a breath ahead of the creature. His friend locked the cat flap in the face of the Bear-Cat. I then quickly took off my bear skin and ran to the front
door calling 'Muddle Muddle I have caught the Bear-Cat' and showed them the skin. After that Muddle and his tribe never went hunting and never ever told the sacred stories or did magic without me. And their favourite sacred story became 'Tizit and The Bear-Cat'.

With regard to the windows it doesn't matter which one I look out of it is still raining. TaTa is very cross because this is the only region without snow and she said a Gordon Ramsay word about the weather.

Before I finish I would like to tell you I watched 'I Am Legend' last night. I do
get fed-up with all these movies with dogs in: Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, Beethoven, The Thing, Hounds of the Baskervilles - cats are much more photogenic and don't wander around with their tongues hanging out being told what to do. I would have made a much better friend for Will Smith and I would have saved the world at the end and not been stupid enough to fight a bunch of hairless mutts and then get sick and die. Pish, fish and mish. Let's get some great cat actors/actresses such as Tomcat Cruise, Caterine Zeta-Jones, Bengal Affleck to name but three.